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Automatic gates, barriers and garage doors

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We believe that success is based solely on the basis of a strong partnership and quality.We try to understand the exact needs of our client / partner and give options for the best solution. Communicating timely and accurate answers to each question is a guarantee of understanding and successfully resolve any problem. We strive to provide current information at the right time and it is as accessible both to our partners and customers.


Wе recruit permanently new candidate distributors for Bulgaria and the region and we are ready to give not only the better product but also quality training and education, when the partners are motivated to gain know-how and skills base of our own experience and professionalism of our foreign suppliers.

Many customers, distributors and partners SEA Bulgaria have always been looking forward to working with us during the years. A major argument in their decision is reliability, quality, lightweight operation of SEA's products. No less important is the fact that there is a reasonable ratio between price and quality. SEA has an appropriate bid for each customer and a technical solution for every job.

There are those customers that haven't contacted us for more than 10 years ..... They obviously hadn't have any technical problems at any time during those years!


If you have it in yourself:

• To learn new and creative solutions
• prestige to work with quality equipment for the automation of gates, garage doors and barriers
• to build great customer network,
• To become part of the professional circle of specialists of SEA,
• getting customers and have a profitable business ..... then you are our partner and we are your trusted service!


Become a distributor of CEA! / Fill in Form /

Training courses for distributors
Here are the main directions in which we prepare our distributors:
• industry news, new products and trends in technology
• knowledge and technical skills for installation of automatic systems for gates, garage doors and barriers
• basic norms of the EU concerning facilities for the automation of gates, garage doors and barriers
• business skills for viewing objects
• introduction to the philosophy of SEA and methods of working with clients


A - Automation for hinged gates and sliding gates

View all types and solutions for automating gates hinged and sliding gates, method of selecting the most appropriate model mechanisms and accessories as appropriate; view the site in an approved form of CEA, forms and sample documents, standards and certificates.

B - Barriers, parking systems and parking devices
View all solutions and automatic barriers, specific problems in the selection of parking equipment and parking systems. Method of selecting the most appropriate model mechanisms and accessories as appropriate; a view of the site in an approved form of SEA, forms and sample documents, norms and certificates

C - access Control and automatic doors
Analysis of selection of system access according to the task, with software to control access and opening hours, tourniquets and other dividing devices. Selection of an automatic door according to the purpose of the building - a hotel, shopping center, hospital and others. Method of selecting the most appropriate model mechanisms and accessories as appropriate; view the site in an approved form of SEA, forms and sample documents, standards and certificates.

D - Doors - Automatic garage, shutters, industrial doors
View all types and solutions for automating gates according to typology - garage municipal, industrial, roller or irregular.Method of selecting the most appropriate model mechanisms and accessories as appropriate; view the site in an approved form of SEA, forms and types documents, standards and certificates.

E - European standards, tests of CEA.
The course is devoted to European norms in the field of automation of doors. Distributors learn the basic requirements and standards based on practical experience and examples. There's a particular focus on the methodology of testing and verification of compatibility and compliance of the products of SEA according to the norms of the EU.

F - Update of knowledge on automation for doors, gates and barriers
The course introduces participants to current trends in the industry, new products and developments, changes in laws or regulations of the EU.

WHY YOU NEED A COURSE preparation offered from SEA
• To know the EU regulations concerning the installation and selection of appropriate automation and requirements for construction companies.
• Each course is free and within a day
• The course includes a visit to the exhibition hall of SEA, where the permanent exhibition of products allows you to see "live" working mechanisms, method of installation and setup the automation and electronics.
• Each course provides information on recent advances in automation, new products and trends in the industry.
Exclusive package for all of SEA course graduates:
• A valuable guide to the norms of the EU - EN 12453 - EN 12445 in electronic format on CD-ROM.
• Full product catalog with technical data and diagrams for installation.
• A price list.
• Personal certificate for each participant who successfully completed a course of CEA.
• Manual for the electronic units and accessories CEA.